Don’t you hate when people tell you not to think? It’s something that just happens. You know? And for some of us it happens all the time. I’m seriously… like can’t stop thinking it just happens so much. So much that you become an insomniac and people tell ‘stop thinking so you can sleep’ or ‘you can’t sleep because you think too much’. All I can think is seriously? Have those people ever thought that instead of telling us to stop thinking they should think and maybe shut up? I mean if you think all the time and you like thinking all the time then why stop? Maybe the idea of trying not to think is why you can’t sleep…
In my years of ‘sleep-less-ness’ I have realized if I think and just keep thinking I will fall asleep from my thoughts. Not because they are boring but because thinking is normal to me and soothing. As I get lost in my thoughts I drift off into sleep. It is hard for me to still get lost in my thoughts but I still give it a shot. And you know what? It is working. Though I sleep less than the average person I get enough sleep so I can at least function semi-normally.
I know I think enough I give myself chronic daily migraines (My sympathy for all of you who suffer with me. It is a real pain in the hindquarters). Medicine does not really work, I try to use it, I hate using it, and I normally stop when I get sick of the crazy side effects. Plus when my head hurts, thinking takes the mind off it. I tend to think so much and over analyze so much that I forget what I want to say or I’ll jump topic so fast that I lose people, so bear with me on my topic jumping. I even over analyze to the point where these ‘simple’ blogs I am muttering about get over thought, re-read about ten times, edited by my own thoughts, and then, after all this craziness and then some, finally posted.
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